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Article: Favorite Offerings

Created on: Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Our Most Popular Products
View product availability PDFs by category, as of 04/21/2020.


Organic Plant-tone (#30), Holly-tone (#18), Garden-tone (#3130), Tomato-tone (#44) Flower-tone
 (#15), 4 lbs $7.99
Organic Plant-tone (#32), Garden-tone (#4670), Rose-tone (#40)   8 lbs $11.99
#8470 Gro Big Liq Plant Food 6-4-4 Qt. $29.99
#8471 Tiger Bloom LiQ Plant Food 2-8-4 Qt $32.69
#2753 Garden food 5-10-5 6.75 lbs $7.99
#825 Garden Trust 15-15-14 Flower/Veg 2 lbs $11.99
#822 Plant Trust 15-15-14 Flower/Veg 4lbs $19.99
#7674 Grow! Espoma Liquid Plant Food 24 oz $13.99
#7673 Bloom! Espoma Liquid Plant Food 24 oz $13.99
Jack’s Classic Orchid #156, African Violet #154and Houseplant #155 $7.99
#1565 Jack's Classic Blossom Boost 10-30-20 8 oz $8.99
#4653 Dr. Earth Tomato Veg and Herb 4 lb $11.99
#2309 Miracle Gro Perf Organic A/P Plant Food 1 lb $13.99
#110 Miracle Gro Pro Select 4 lb 1$18.99
#5545 Miracle Gro Plant Food Spikes $2.49
#117 Miracle Gro for Tomatoes 1.5 lb $10.99
#112 Miracle Gro for Roses 1.5 lb $7.99
#140 Neptune's Harvest Fish & Seaweed 1 pt $14.99
#141 Neptune's Harvest Fish & Seaweed 1 qt $21.99
#142 Neptune's Harvest Fish & Seaweed 1 gal $49.99
#118 Osmocote Veg & Bedding 1 lb $8.99

For our Bird Friends
#1096 Nature Products Nectar Dots $3.99
#172 Nature Products Nectar Feeder 16 oz $9.99
#1104 Nature Products Window Dots $19.99
#1522 Nature Products Wren House $44.99
#2581 Burley Clay Bird Baths $99.99

Animal Control
#3467 Everguard Deer and Rabbit Repellent RTU 32 oz $21.99
#181 Epic Mole Scram 4.5 lb $22.99
#8363 Epic Vole Scram 6 lb $34.99
#2366 Epic Snake Scram 3.5 lb $22.99
#2482 Bonide Repels All Animals Granules 3 lbs $21.99
#3727 Bonide Mole Max RTU Qt $17.99
#177 Liquid Fence RTU 1 gal $39.99
#175 Liquid Fence RTU 1 qt $19.99
#173 Liquid Fence concentrate 1 qt $44.99
#178 Liquid Fence Rabbit Repellent RTU 1 qt $19.99

Insect and Disease Control
#3765 Bonide Eight Veg Fruit and Flower Spray Conc. Pt. $11.99
#3766 Bonide Eight Garden Dust 3 lb $8.99
#6762 Bonide Eight Garden & Home Spray RTU 32 oz $6.99
#8469 Bonide Eight Garden & Home Pump RTU 1.33 gal $39.99
#8433 Bonide Eight Yard & Garden RTS  Hose End 32oz $22.99
#4626 Bonide Neem Oil RTU Qt $12.99
#8448 Bonide Neem Oil Concentrate 16 oz $22.99
#231 Bonide Insecticidal Soap 32 oz $8.99
#7599 Captain Jack's Dead Bug Brew RTS hose end Qt. $34.99
#5838 Captain Jack's Dead Bug Brew RTU Qt. $8.99
#3764 Captain Jack's Dead Bug Brew Dust 1.5 lb $6.99
#8209 Bt Thuricide Spray RTU qt $12.99
#8208 Bt Thuricide Spray conc. Pt $14.99
#8436 Fertilome Tick & Insect Spray Indoor/outdoor 16 oz $12.99
#8449 Ant, Flea, Tick Killer 10 lb $19.99
#7693 Tick Tubes 6 tubes 1/8 $29.99
#1426 TICK BAN All Natural Tick Repellent 4 oz $12.99
#1474 Bon-Neem Insect Soap 32oz RTU $17.99
#2750 Bayer Rose & Flower Care 2-in-1 insect/disease 5 lb $17.99
#8473 Bayer Disease/Mite Control 3in1 Conc. 32 oz $29.99
#7545 Serenade Garden Disease Control RTS 28 oz $19.99
#295 Serenade Garden Disease Cnt RTU 32 oz $9.99
#296 Serenade Garden Disease Conc. 32 oz $21.99

Weed Prevention and Control
#71 Preen 5.62 lb $19.99
#973 Preen Extend Ctl Weed Preventer 4.93 lb $27.99
#24 Ortho Weed B Gone Max conc. 40 oz $17.99
#200 Ortho Roundup concentrate 16 oz $21.99
#202 Ortho RoundUp RTU 30 oz $8.99
#201 Ortho Roundup conc. 36.8 oz $41.99
#204 Ortho Roundup RTU 1.1 gal $31.99
#205 Ortho Roundup Pump and Go RTU 1.33 gal $35.99
#200 Ortho Roundup conc. 16 oz $21.99
#5958 Ortho Roundup Pump n' Go Refill 1.25 gal $24.99
#8497 Ortho Roundup Ext Ctrl 32 oz Conc. 32 oz $69.99
#2843 Ortho Roundup Ext Ctrl RTU 1 gal $29.99
#8357 Ortho Roundup Ext Control w/wand 1.1 gal $39.99
#940 Bonide Kleenup 192% RTU Qt $8.99
#1341 Bonide Kleenup 192% RTU Gal $19.99
#3968 Bonide Kleenup 41% Conc. Qt $18.99
#1435 Bonide Kleenup 41% Conc. Pt $12.99
#247 Bonide Weed Beater Ultra RTU Qt $8.99
#8207 Bonide Weed Beater FE RTU Qt $8.99

Lawn Care

#388 Cape Cod Supreme Grass Seed per lb $4.49
#939 Encap Grass Repair Kit All Area $10.99
#938 Encap Grass Repair Kit Sun/Shade $29.99
#418 Jonathan Green Black Beauty Seed 5lb $24.99
#782 Jonathan Green GU
 + Crabgrass 15M $24.99
#817 Turf TrustPF 24-0-12 Lawn 15 lb 5M $39.99
#818 Turf TrustPF 24-0-12 Lawn 31 lb 10M $74.99
#827 Turf Trust Broadleaf Control 20 lb 4.4M $62.99
#826 Turf Trust Crabgrass Ctl 10lb 5M $26.99
#272 Bayer Weed and Crabgrass Killer All in One Conc. 32 oz $15.99
#8731 Bayer Weed & Crabgrass Killer 32 oz $23,99
#271 Bayer Weed Killer All in One RTU 24 oz $7.99
#4207 Espoma All Season Lawn Food 29 lb $24.99
#4206 Espoma Spring Lawn Booster 30 lb $39.99
#4208 Espoma Summer Lawn Revitalizer 30 lb $25.99
#6761 Infuse Lawn & Landscape Rts Qt $27.99
#260 Lawn Fungus Control 10 lb $27.99
#5356 Lawn Starter Fert. Espoma 36lb $19.99
#5354 Lawn Starter Fertilizer Espoma 7.25 lb $8.99
#2371 Lawn Weed Killer 32 oz RTU $8.99
#7144 Scotts Lawn Pro Step 1 - 5M 5000 sq ft $35.99
#7152 Scotts Lawn Pro Step 1 for seed 5000 sq ft $69.99
#7147 Scotts Lawn Pro Step 2 - 15M 15000 sq ft $69.99
#7149 Scotts Lawn Pro Step 3 - 15M 15000 sq ft $69.99
#7148 Scotts Lawn Pro Step 3 - 5M 5000 sq ft $19.99
#7150 Scotts Lawn Pro Step 4 - 5M 5000 sq ft $19.99
#4641 Scotts Turf Bldr Lawn Fert Nort 15000 sq ft $54.99
#213 Weed B Gone Lawn RTU 24 oz. $8.99

312 Atlas Glove - Asst Large $8.99
929 Atlas Glove - Asst Medium $8.99
928 Atlas Glove - Black Small $8.99
4658 Bamboo Garden Glove-green large $11.99
4657 Bamboo Garden Glove-green medium $11.99
4656 Bamboo Garden Glove-green small $11.99
4660 Bamboo Garden Glove-pink medium $11.99
4872 Bamboo Glove w/Rubber Palm $9.99
4873 Bamboo Glove w/Rubber Palm-med $9.99
4874 Bamboo Glove w/Rubber Palm-small $9.99
2565 Bellingham Glove-med $9.99
4181 Bellingham Performance Glove-lg $29.99
4178 Bellingham Performance Glove-sm $29.99
315 Boss kids cotton glove $3.99
314 Boss Ladies flexigrip glove $4.99
317 Boss Pigskin Glove with lycra $22.99
5092 Glove Thorn Resistant XL $29.99
3861 Insulated Glove - small $14.99
5269 Rose Glove - Off White - large $32.99
4664 Rose Glove - Off White - medium $32.99
4663 Rose Glove - Off White - small $32.99
4662 Rose Glove - Off White - xsmall $32.99
8205 Wonder Grip Thermal Glove - sm $15.99

Gardening Products
#620 Eaton Tree Stake Kit $12.99
#675 Tomato Cage 54" 4 ring $5.99
#8362 Tomato Cage HD
 16x54" $12.99
#8361 Tomato Cage HD 18x54" $14.99
Super Steel Stakes, 4' (#647) $2.69; 5' (#5965) $3.49; 6' ((#1658) $4.39; 6' HD (#650) $8.99
Hardwood Stakes, 3' (#623) $2.29; 4' (#624) $2.99; 5' (
#625) $3.29; 6' (#626) $3.89
#2316 Sure Grip Stainless Steel Weeder $14.99
#3859 Ames Stainless Steel Weeder Gel grip $9.99
#5953 Rapitest mini pH tester $8.99
#7192 Water Check Moisture Meter $4.99
#728 Felco Holster Cone with Clip $14.99
#6281 Terra Verde Fan Rake $7.99

#970 Poly Steel Rake 10" 13 tine $7.99
#369 Harvest Guard Floating Row Cover  $14.99
#562 Dramm Turret Sprinkler $29.99
#560 Dramm Touch n Flow Pistol $11.99
#556 Dramm Oscillating Sprinkler $54.99
#551 Dramm Fan Nozzle $11.99
#8212 Dramm One Touch Fan Nozzle $18.99
#166 Garden Seat and Kneeler $49.99
#2965 Kneeler and Seat, Foldaway $44.99

Soils and Mulches
#5941 Fafard Ultra Outdoor Plant Mix 1cf $7.99
#2335 Fafard Ultra Container Mix 1 cu ft $9.99
#5940 Fafard Natural Organic Potting Soil 1 cu ft $8.99
#7597 Espoma Organic Potting Mix 1 cu ft $13.99
#8417 Espoma Potting Mix 4 qt $5.99
#8418 Espoma Potting Mix 8 qt $8.99
#6746 Espoma Seed Starter Potting Mix 8 qt $9.99
#3135 Espoma Seed Starter Potting Mix 16 qt $11.99
#105 Miracle Gro Potting Soil 8 qt. $9.99
#107 Miracle Gro Potting Soil 1 cu ft $17.99
#8395 Ocean Forest Organic Potting Soil 1.5 cu ft $19.99
#808 Valfei VM1 Grower Mix 3.8 cu ft $37.99
#6743 Cactus Potting Mix - organic 4 qt $5.99
#6742 African Violet Potting Mix 4 qt $5.99
#4092 Orchid Potting Mix 4 qt $11.99
#2212 Valfei BrownCedar Mulch 2 cu ft $5.99
#2206 Valfei Hemlock Mulch 3 cu ft $11.99
#2209 Valfei Pine Mulch 3 cu ft $9.99
#2215 Valfei Black Cedar Mulch 2cu ft $5.99
#806 Valfei Peat Moss 1 cu ft $6.99
#2200 Valfei Peat Moss 2.2 cu ft $9.99
#2201 Valfei Peat Moss 3.8 cu ft $17.99
#3612 Valfei Peat Humus 27 qt $5.99
#6745 Espoma Peat Moss Organic 8 qt $9.99
#6744 Espoma Organic Perlite 8qt $11.99
#6747 Espoma Organic Vermiculite 8 qt $11.99
#469 Soil Moist 3 oz $4.99
#467 Soil Moist 1 lb $14.99
#7529 Soil Moist 3 lb $39.99
#8569 Soil Moist Vacation Mat $9.99
#4091 Soil Acidifier 6.75lb $9.99
#1527 Soil Activator 50 gr 1.76 oz $3.99

#871 14" Round Panterra Planter $8.99
#877 12" Round Panterra Planter $5.99
#2483 12" Oval Panterra Planter $5.99
#794 16" Oval Panterra Planter $7.99
#797 12" Piazza Sq. Tall Planter $10.99
#799 12" Piazza Squat Planter $8.99
#7937 Self Watering 10" Lucca Tan 10" $7.99
#7935 Self Watering 10" Terra Cotta 10" $7.99
#7936 Self Watering Lucca 10" Blue 10" $7.99
#7934 Self Watering Lucca 10" Brown 10" $7.99
#7932 Self Watering Lucca 10" Green 10" $7.99
#7933 Self Watering Lucca 10" Purple 10" $7.99
#7952 Self Watering Lucca 12" Blue 12" $10.99
#7955 Self Watering Lucca 12" Brown 12" $10.99
#7951 Self Watering Lucca 12" Green 12" $10.99
#7950 Self Watering Lucca 12" Purple 12" $10.99
#7954 Self Watering Lucca 12" Tan 12" $10.99
#7953 Self Watering Lucca 12" Terra C 12" $10.99
#7938 Self Watering Lucca 6" Brown 6" $3.99
#7942 Self Watering Lucca 6" Green 6" $3.99
#7939 Self Watering Lucca 6" Purple 6" $3.99
#7940 Self Watering Lucca 6" Tan 6" $3.99
#7941 Self Watering Lucca 6" Terra Co 6" $3.99
#7946 Self Watering Lucca 8" Blue 8" $4.99
#7949 Self Watering Lucca 8" Brown 8" $4.99
#7945 Self Watering Lucca 8" Green 8" $4.99
#7947 Self Watering Lucca 8" Purple 8" $4.99
#7948 Self Watering Lucca 8" Tan 8" $4.99
#7944 Self Watering Lucca 8" Terra Co 8" $4.99
#1223 Terra Cotta Pot 4.5" $1.39
#3156 Plastic Pot - terra cotta color 6.25" 2.99
#4332 Plastic Pot - terra cotta color 9" $4.49
#2053 Plastic Pot - terra cotta color 8.25" $4.49
#3157 Plastic Pot - terra cotta color 10.25" $4.99
#4434 Plastic Pot - terra cotta color 11.5" $6.99
#3158 Plastic Pot - terra cotta color 12.5" $8.99
#4497 Plastic Pot - terra cotta color 13.75" $9.99
#5831 Clay Bowl 4" $2.00
#1872 Standard Clay Pot 10" $6.99
#1879 Azalea Pot 4.25" $.99
#1882 Azalea Pot 8" $4.29
#4655 Napa Wall Pot 9.5" $11.99
#2159 Buddies Frog Rust Concrete Planter Small $7.99
#2110 Buddies Hedgehog Natural Concrete Planter Small $7.99
#2090 Buddies Bird Rust Concrete Planter Small $7.99
#2112 Buddies Rabbit Natural Concrete Planter Small $6.99
#2095 Buddies Hedgehog Rust Concrete Planter Large $10.99
#2094 Buddies Hedgehog Rust Concrete Planter Small $6.99
#2158 Buddies Turtle Natural Concrete Planter Small $7.99
#2152 Buddies Turtle Rust Concrete Planter Small $7.99 
#2114 Buddies Owl Rust Concrete Planter Small $7.99
#2148 Buddies Owl Natural Concrete Planter Small $7.99
#2118 Buddies Owl Rust Concrete Planter Large $10.99
#2149 Buddies Owl Natural Concrete Planter Large $10.99
#2092 Buddies Bird Natural Concrete Planter Large $11.99
#2166 Buddies Turtle Rust Concrete Planter Large $11.99
#2559 Ceramic Turtle/Frog/Snail Planter 5.5X4" $8.99
#3373 Garden Bell Pot 5.9" $3.99
#3374 Garden Bell Pot 8.3" $5.99
#2541 Cement Planter w/Bee Decal 3.5" $4.99
#2119 Sutton Park Planter w/Tomato Cage 12" $6.99
#2120 Hydrofarm Tomato Barrel w/4' Tower $39.99
#2545 Owl Planter Sandy Finish $14.99
#1292 Burley Clay Shallow Planter Medium Heavenly Blue $19.99
#8543 Ribbed Taupe Pot $8.99
#2558 Ceramic Watering Can Planter 4.24" $7.99
#1174 Egg Pot 10" $19.99
#1179 Egg Pot 12" $29.99
#4318 Bubble Pot Pale Grey 7.5" $21.99
#4317 Bubble Pot Pale Grey 5.5" $12.99
#4316 Bubble Cup Pot Teal 7.5" $21.99
#4906 Wicker Weave Vasum 8" $14.99
#4905 Wicker Weave Vasum 5.75" $7.99
#4907 Wicker Weave Vasum 10" $21.99
#4904 Wicker Weave Low Bowl 10.25" $17.99
#4908 Ripple Pot 6" $9.99
#2127 Ariana 16" w/grid Honey Dew $19.99
#2136 Ariana 16" w/grid Calypso $19.99
#2139 Ariana 16" w/grid Deep Sea $19.99
#2125 Ariana 16" w/grid Black $19.99
#1083 Straight Glazed Terra Cotta Pot Large $24.99
#4925 Self Watering Pot Fenway 6" $14.99
#2543 Round Cement Planter Winter Birch 5" $8.99
#4107 Electric Pot cabana color asst. 7.25" $11.99
#5942 Berne Planter aqua 11" $44.99
#2109 Italy Pot - ice green  15" $44.99
#2719 Flared Pot - lt turquoise 12" $49.99
#5258 Basket Weave Cement Planter 10" $29.99
#5954 Leiden Planter aqua 9.5" $39.99
#8001 Ipanema Planter Black 14" $79.99
#7998 Ipanema Planter Grey 14" $79.99
#7997 Ipanema Planter Grey 20" $99.00
#1297 Braided Vine Planter Set Burley Clay Pedestal and Top Heavenly Blue $89.99
#5826 Hot Trop. Flair Pot Orange 10.7" $44.99
#5818 Hot Trop. Flair Pot Orange 7.75" $24.99
#5830 Hot Trop. Flair Pot Orange 18.5" $89.99
#8008 Toluca Planter - Jade 18" $95

7973 Antique Rooster Statue $110.00
2581 Birdbath Simple Elegance Set $99.99
1069 Cherubs - Hang on Planter $11.99
7986 Eva Angel Statue $110.00
7987 Evangeline Angel Statue $84.99
1189 Frog Glazed 6" 6"x5.5" $14.99
5753 Longmeadow Fountain $479.00
4366 Sun Plaque - round small $29.99
1303 Sun Plaque 12" 12" $24.99
1203 White Urn $99.99

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