Pine Tree Nursery and Landscaping - Articles
Article: April Chores in the Garden
Created on: Monday, June 09, 2003
- Remove winter mulches and wraps.
- Transplant dormant trees and shrubs.
- Prune vines, roses, ornamental grasses and prune dormant trees and shrubs.
- Divide perennials.
- Sow flower seeds (&veggies) indoors.
- Set cabbage family plants in cold frame.
- Sow carrots, beets, radish, peas in garden.
- Fertilize all trees, shrubs, ground covers, perennials, fruit and berries -wait on bulbs until after they bloom.
- Begin lawn care -pre-emergent fertilizer, top dress, seed bare spots, lime. Or start a new lawn from seed or sod. Have pH checked.
- Begin to weed and edge beds.
- Start a wildflower garden.
- Check soil temperature; root growth starts at 45 degrees, top growth at 55 degrees.
- Plant summer-blooming bulbs.
- Plant strawberries, asparagus and small fruits.
- Divide crowded spring bulbs after flowering, and deadhead and fertilize.
- Place grow-through rings and supports around perennials, peonies, trellises for peas, etc.
- Look for new varieties of annuals and veggies.
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